
Ex-Spouse Won’t Pay Child Support—What You Can Do

Even with two parents to help pay for the necessities of raising a child, times can be tough. But when an ex-spouse refuses to pay child support, you do have courses of action that you can take in the state of Florida. Unexpected costs seem to arise out of thin air, and if your child’s other parent isn’t helping, it’s time to take action. Below you will find advice on what you need to do to get them to pay without violating their rights.

Legally Establish Child Support

Some divorced parents choose to treat child support like an unstated understanding. You both understand that your child needs to have the financial support necessary to get the opportunities they need for success later in life. But in situations like this, there is no recourse for a parent who is footing 100% of the bill. If you haven’t established child support payments with the courts, this is the first step you need to take.

Continue Visitation Rights

You might be tempted to stop allowing your ex-spouse visits with your child. Doing so would be a mistake. You’re not doing yourself or your child any favors if you get into legal trouble for not giving the other parent access to your child. Instead, you should be encouraging your former spouse to see your child more often. More time together means your ex will see what your child’s situation is really like, which could make him or her more willing to pay child support.

Accept Partial Payments

It’s possible that your ex-spouse will offer you a partial payment instead of the full amount. If the money is not there, encourage your spouse to speak with the court to adjust the amount of each payment.

Take Legal Action for Child Support

Sometimes it is necessary to take legal action to get the support you need to raise your child. A few of your options include:

  • Motioning for civil contempt
  • Getting court-ordered payments
  • Revoking rights, such as driver’s licenses and business licenses
  • Seeking incarceration

You might feel like you don’t know what you are doing. That’s perfectly fine. You don’t need to know all of the legal ins and outs of family law. You just need to find yourself a good lawyer to help you get things settled.

Is your ex-spouse refusing to pay child support? Get in touch with us today for a consultation. 305-441-9530